spring break
Sitting in my favorite SLO coffee shop, listening to Massive Attack. I got in to central CA just after midnight last night from Orlando, where I spent the last 5 days with my brother, Ry, and his wife, Monica.
We went climbing, to the art festival, to Cocoa Beach (home of Kelly Slater) and saw Blue Man Group at Universal Studios, which, despite the seared image the name evokes in my mind of Tobias Funke in blue paint and cut-offs (Arrested Development fans, please?!), they still are both bizarre and really amazing.
On Sunday afternoon, it was monsoon weather in FL. Yet, somehow, we still decided to pile metal canoes into the back of Austin's orange truck, and canoe down the river in the middle of a thunderstorm. Lightning + water + metal canoes = a dangerous damn good time. We even tipped the canoe in the first 10 minutes, and had to stop a few times to empty our canoes out with rain water. Nonetheless, Florida is beautiful, gators and all.
Now, I have absolutely no plans at all. Except for working on a t-shirt design for the engineering department, going running with my mom when she gets off work, and remembering to call and text a few friends that I'm now in town. They all have full-time jobs like chumps and respectable college graduates should. So I have the morning free to peruse record and thrift stores and paint my nails in hideous colors, and decide that I still would rather not fix my hair.
Did I mention I got offered an internship in New Haven, CT for Love 146, and have another interview on Thursday with Disaster Accountability Project, where I could be placed either in Brooklyn, NY or DC? Maybe you should plan your summer around mine, and find yourself in the east coast as well? I don't know anyone out there, other than a girl I used to do competitive gymnastics with when I was 12 years old, who is attending Yale. Although, I'm reluctant, because it is likely that her ivy-league self might find my Bohemian disposition rather silly.
I'm both terrified and excited.
Wish me luck.
I wish I could've hugged you goodbye... But I'm so glad you came, Trina!! I'm glad you MADE us go canoeing :). Miss ya!
Trina your one of the coolest people I know. Hands down
Trina. That's AWESOME that you got that internship at Love146. I love that organization...for what they're about and also for their design style. You're going to fit right in. I've been offered an anti-trafficking internship in Washington DC with Shared Hope International. I know very FEW people in DC too. It's an adventure. I'm proud of you for taking part in it. When I come to Walla Walla in a couple weeks we'll have to talk more about these matters. Good job for being good at life Trina Yeo. Good Job.
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